cyd's piece is text collaged on top of a flip flop sandal. the poem centers on definitions of the term "filipina." the fetishized filipina (by whom? mostly icky western men!).
The Class Blog for ENG 504: Visual and Avant-garde Poetry at Univ. of Miami
cyd's piece is text collaged on top of a flip flop sandal. the poem centers on definitions of the term "filipina." the fetishized filipina (by whom? mostly icky western men!).
maya's piece is text over a photo she took in a buenos aires (argentina) subway. i like the grainy movement in the image.
kate's piece is framed in two panels. the left is a painting by her with collaged text. the right is satin and a loped baby jesus hand over flowers.
meredith's poem is called "spinal tap." see poem inside syringe. in our class we take our poems directly up the spine! straight!
marlon made a true 3-d sudokku cube. he calls them surrdoku cubes with a nod to the surrealists. you solve the 3-d puzzle and the numbers correspond to the lines of the poem.